domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

VirtualBox v5.0.10-104061 Multilenguaje (Español) + Portable

Quieres probar un programa pero no te atreves por si dañas tu sistema operativo? ¿Te gustaría tener otro sistema operativo pero sin quitar el tuyo? ¿Imaginas probar Windows 10 desde tu 7?
Todo esto es posible con VirtualBox, una utilidad gratuita que crea un ordenador virtual dentro del tuyo, con su sistema operativo totalmente independiente.
De esta forma, podrás crear ‘máquinas virtuales’ con diferentes sistemas operativos y así tener a tu disposición un Windows 95, un Vista, un 2000 un XP o incluso un Linux. Todo desde tu sistema operativo actual.
Para utilizarlo, primero deberás conseguir o crear tu mismo una máquina virtual del sistema operativo que desees, después, cargarla con el programa y listo, arrancará como si de un nuevo sistema operativo se tratase. Por cierto, el programa no ocupa demasiado, pero ten presente que las máquinas virtuales suelen ocupar bastante espacio, fácilmente de cuatro a seis gigabytes.
Sistemas operativos virtuales
Windows (98, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2008, Server 2012), DOS/Windows 3.x
Linux (Kernel 2.4 y 2.6), FreeBSD/OpenBSD, Solaris 10, OS/2, etc.

Virtual machine descriptions in XML
Guest Additions for Windows and Linux
Shared folders
Virtual USB Controllers
Remote Desktop Protocol
USB over RDP

VirtualBox 5.0.10 (released 2015-11-10)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: improved support for certain Intel Atom CPUs (bug #14773)
VMM: system register emulation fix (5.0 regression; bug #14515)
GUI: fixed immediate screenshot issue (bug #14108)
GUI: fixed another 3D overlay window reparenting issue when the VM is switched to fullscreen mode on X11 hosts
GUI: fixed help index (bug #14722)
GUI: fixed state synchronization issue in the VM manager window when VM was paused from its runtime window
Audio: fixed suspending/resuming audio streams on VM pause/unpause (bug #14784)
Audio: properly reset AC97 audio streams, otherwise there is silence until a non-48 kHz stream is played
Audio: fixed a small emulation quirk of the AD1980 codec of the HDA device to make recent linux guests work (bug #14653)
USB: serveral fixes for the xHCI controller
USB: fixed a crash under certain conditions on hosts with Linux kernels older than version 3.3
USB: better identification of certain USB devices
NAT: support TCP in DNS proxy (bug #14736)
NAT Network: fixed sporadic crashes on Windows hosts (bug #13899)
API: when creating differencing images (e.g. as part of a snapshot or cloning a VM) use the same disk image variant as the parent image if possible, which means that e.g. a diff image for a VMDK image split into 2 GB files will also be split (bug #14764)
API: event queue handling fixes preventing loss of certain events at runtime (e.g. new webcam attached), particularly important on Mac OS X hosts
Webcam: passthrough fix for certain devices (Windows hosts only)
VBoxManage: don’t crash on snapshot restorecurrent / edit if the VM has no snapshots
VBoxManage: don’t crash on controlvm addencpassword (bug #14729)
Mac OS X hosts: use the correct kernel on certain hosts
Windows hosts: fixed VRDP external authentication
Windows hosts: allow to use a shared folder path with extended-length path prefix (5.0 regression; bug #14651)
Windows hosts: fix a crash in the netfilter host driver under certain conditions (bug #14799)
Windows host installer: documented and fixed public properties which can be used to control the installation to some extent
Windows host installer: fixed not starting the actual installation when showing the version information or help dialogs
X11 Additions: added basic support for X.Org Server 1.18 (3D requires additional fixes)